The Making of EU Copyright Event Recording
2021 is a momentous year for EU copyright law: it is the 30th anniversary since the adoption of the first ever copyright directive (the Software Directive 1991/250) [...]
2021 is a momentous year for EU copyright law: it is the 30th anniversary since the adoption of the first ever copyright directive (the Software Directive 1991/250) [...]
Do YouTube and cyberlocker Uploaded directly perform copyright-restricted acts? And, following from this: what is the relationship between the InfoSoc right of communication to the public and Article [...]
The IFIM conference "EU Copyright Law: State of Play and Future Directions" was held on 26 May and featured all Authors of the individual chapters of The Routledge [...]
On 17 December 2020, IFIM held its annual Holiday Seminar, which featured talks offered by three emerging IP researchers based on their recently concluded PhDs. The event was [...]
Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law
Universitetsvägen 10C,
Södra huset, Frescati
Plan 9
114 18 Stockholm